Thursday, January 26, 2006

I finally joined the new wave of IT. Yes, I got my new high speed wireless router and laptop card working yesterday. It's as fast as my wired connections. I love being able to surf in bed now. :) Now if I manage more trips to the Gulf Coast or anywhere else, I can connect at hot spots, too.


Saturday, January 21, 2006

Things are still going ok for now. Merrie hasn't changed at all - still sick and tired all the time so that's a good sign as much as she doesn't like it. She takes a nap at work each day now so that has helped a bit.

We're thinking of making some significant life changes in the future. Merrie will quit her job once Raisin is born so we will both be working part-time. I'll be trying to increase my consulting work in the meantime, unless by chance I happen to find a decent full-time job here. Of course, you need to keep praying things continue to go well with Raisin. Our next appt is Feb 3 and then we have a level 2 ultrasound on the 13th to detect certain abnormalities.

This will effectively end my relief trips I think. Maybe I can take the boys down over break or for a week once school is over.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Today we found out we are only 6 weeks along. Things are going well except for Merrie's nausea and fatigue, and she probably has another 6 weeks to go before things improve. That will likely delay my next trip to MS so we'll just have to see what happens. The incredible thing was we got to see our baby, nicknamed Raisin, through the marvels of modern technology. Raisin is inside the red circle and is currently the size of, well, a small raisin.

You could even tell the heart was beating! That is awesome!
For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.

Merrie took the rest of the day off since it's been a tough week on her. I'm not sure how she's going to manage several more like this. Prayers are encouraged! I'll be out of town working most of next week so that will be especially tough for her.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Christmas went much better than last year though it wasn't difficult to beat a miscarriage on Christmas Eve. I've been enjoying my time here at home and have pretty much assimilated back into "normal" life. The holidays are always busy it seems so I've been doing a bunch of little things.

We have 2 new members of the family; Sydney got a pair of gerbils Friday so those are our first real pets. We also have even better news - we found out the day after we got home from MS that we are expecting again! Some of you may ask how that happened since I had hardly been home. LOL. We think we are about 7 or 8 weeks now, which is when we lost the last one, so pray things continue to go well. At Merrie's age, it gets more challenging. We have our first appointment Friday. I still plan to return to MS every month but I will likely stop once summer arrives.

For those of you who I owe picture CDs they will be mailed this week!

Happy New Year!