Friday, October 27, 2006

Samuel had his first set of shots on Wednesday - 2 in each thigh. He wasn't all that excited about them and has been rather cranky the past 2 days. He weighed 10'12" and she said he was 22", which is likely pretty close. He was 21.5" when standing against our "measuring wall" on the 20th. He's on the bottom end of the growth curves, but he started pretty small. Even though he has done a couple things long before Sydney did, I think they were mostly lucky flukes. He's behind Sydney's development in general, as he isn't playing in his gym or smiling like Sydney had at 10 weeks. However, Samuel was supposedly 2 weeks early and Sydney was supposedly 2 weeks late so it's probable that Samuel's 3-4 weeks behind him. Samuel can stand pretty well though for maybe 30 seconds if you hold his hands - he looks like a hula girl at times but his legs keep him up.

I can't think of much more notable things other than Stephan is going to the fall formal dance so we'll need to get him a suit. He hasn't taken a very proactive approach to learning to drive either, which seems rather odd.

I've been ripping all my music to computer the past month since it's much easier to do my radio show from my laptop than carrying a suitcase of CDs. I have over 600 Christian hard music albums, but could only take about 80 with me. I've spent the last 18 shows going A to Z as something different to do. I'll have a few "normal" shows now and then 3 or 4 Christmas shows.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Our trip to Chicago went well though we saw less than we intended. We started at Navy Pier Friday morning and spent pretty much the entire day there. Despite the cold, windy weather they still had the rides open, too. We also saw the children's and stained glass museums while there. We drove to our motel and had dinner at TGI Fridays. Sat morning we drove to the nearest CTA train station and took the 'L' into the city. We went to Shedd Aquarium where the line was surprisingly long though our Go Chicago cards allowed us to bypass that. We ended up staying pretty much the entire day there, too. We walked over to Adler Planetarium, but they had closed early because they had at least 5 weddings that took place that afternoon. Here we are with the Sears Tower on the far left and Hancock Building on the far right.

Being 4pm, we decided it wasn't worth trying to get to another attraction and having so little time there so we just took the train back home. We played some Star Wars Monopoly in our room. Sunday morning we drove to Moody Church. It's a pretty impressive building, too. Even though Erwin Lutzer's intonation has always annoyed me, he gave a great sermon. From here the original plan was to go to the MSI, but the boys didn't want to do that so Stephan and I went to the Museum of Contemporary Art and Merrie, Sydney and Samuel went to the Hancock Building. As it turned out we both finished at the same time so we found a hole-in-the-wall food joint and then left for Terre Haute. Samuel did amazingly well for such a long trip. I can only think it will get worse as he ages when he won't sleep as much. :)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Boy, I can't believe how quickly days just zoom by. Samuel is 2 months old today and here's what he looks like now.

2 days ago he weighed 9'14" with nothing on. He's still fussy and not sleeping for long periods of time, but it's become apparent that he enjoys music. He normally quiets down whenever it's playing.