Saturday, January 21, 2006

Things are still going ok for now. Merrie hasn't changed at all - still sick and tired all the time so that's a good sign as much as she doesn't like it. She takes a nap at work each day now so that has helped a bit.

We're thinking of making some significant life changes in the future. Merrie will quit her job once Raisin is born so we will both be working part-time. I'll be trying to increase my consulting work in the meantime, unless by chance I happen to find a decent full-time job here. Of course, you need to keep praying things continue to go well with Raisin. Our next appt is Feb 3 and then we have a level 2 ultrasound on the 13th to detect certain abnormalities.

This will effectively end my relief trips I think. Maybe I can take the boys down over break or for a week once school is over.


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