40 is creeping up on me fast. Anyway, it's time to throw a few pics up again....

Samuel is totally nonplussed that he doesn't get to lick the bowl as well.

It's amazing how much work swinging can be (and a good thing I wasn't eating mashed peas).

Stephan's hair has changed colors again. It took over 4 hours to get it "fixed" to this point - an expensive experiment. It has since been shortened slightly, too.

The past several days Samuel has really taken notice of his tongue, which he likes to stick out and move around. He's trying to make the raspberry sound. He giggles when he and dad touch tongues.
Samuel is totally nonplussed that he doesn't get to lick the bowl as well.
It's amazing how much work swinging can be (and a good thing I wasn't eating mashed peas).
Stephan's hair has changed colors again. It took over 4 hours to get it "fixed" to this point - an expensive experiment. It has since been shortened slightly, too.
The past several days Samuel has really taken notice of his tongue, which he likes to stick out and move around. He's trying to make the raspberry sound. He giggles when he and dad touch tongues.