Friday, October 28, 2005

So reading this is starting to get boring now. Oh well. Sorry. Felt about the same in the morning and got better once I got up. Spent most of the day in the UMCOR office, but in the afternoon I went up to the warehouse in Wiggins to check on why the cell phone was doing so poorly and get some things to take to Bay Saint Louis. I set up the phone so the manager could hear it better and we tested it a few times but the reception still remained spotty though we did get a couple good calls through. Interestingly, my wife called while I was there and my phone had some static, too, so that area of Wiggins just isn't a good place it seems. Both my phone and the warehouse one were in roaming mode. Anyway, we decided to leave the phone there for now and I stuffed my car full of needed items and drove over to Main St UMC in BSL. They didn't need the outerwear or all the towels we sent so I took them over to First Baptist just up the block. Then I stopped at the "New Waveland Cafe" where we had taken a bunch of food a few weeks ago. We had heard some areas in Hancock County were critically short on food, but they seemed to be doing OK here at present. Nevertheless, I got a current contact from the main organization behind this relief area, Christian Life Church from Gulf Shores, AL. They plan to stay there for quite a while; the relief centers that had been set up on the other 2 corners of 90 and 603 were no longer in operation. The tent cafe is still serving about 5000 meals a day. I came back to Trinity a bit early and got my shower and am doing laundry now before the rush. I'm also reading some more of Trevor's book. Here's something to chew on: "Any spiritual experience that does not result in a deeper concern for our suffering neighbor can hardly be called Christian."


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