Thursday, October 20, 2005

After lunch I made it over to Gateway UMC in north Gulfport where the Regional UMCOR Coordinator is working from so I could get the wireless network operating. He is so overwhelmed from the amount of work so a few of the Virginia team had been helping get the office more organized the last few days. It appears that I will be taking the laptop I donated to the cause over there in the morning because they really need 2 PCs to be effective. It also appears I will be working with UMCOR more regularly in the future in some capacity. Hopefully I'll know more tomorrow after I talk with Rev. Mitchell.

Our devotion tonight was pretty cool. It was similar in some ways to one done before in which we got a nail from a house we had worked upon, but we then laid that nail at the foot of a cross made from material from the Dyer's home. We had written on a small piece of paper something where we needed rebuilding and then nailed it to the cross so it was very similar to "dying moments" on a Walk to Emmaus. We also shared communion and prayed together as a group.

I am feeling better in general. The body aches are gone and my throat isn't too "tight", but I do have some congestion now. Hopefully another good night of rest will get me fixed for good.


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