Sunday, October 30, 2005

Once again we attended the early service here at Trinity and then prepared and served lunch to the congregation. After we cleaned up I went out with a few guys to do some yard/tree work since I was feeling a bit better and we did a fair amount of hard labor, working until dark, which is now at 5:30 since the time changed. I even gained a chainsaw out of it though I didn't get to use it. As we were leaving the elderly gentleman we were helping asked if we needed one because someone had given it to him. Maybe I can play with it tomorrow even though it's not a big one. :) I have to make sure I go home with all my digits though or my wife will not be happy. The other part of the team worked on a house that hadn't been touched and sounded like it wouldn't be saved when it comes to that decision point. Sadly, there are quite a few people here in that situation. This evening, Pastor Stokes chatted with us about how things are working (or not) down here. There is so much indecision on the part of various government and insurance entities about whether some people will be able to receive various aid, get building permits, be able to rebuild at all or be able to insure the house if they do rebuild. Nobody knows what is going to happen with the building codes or flood zones so many people are stuck in limbo. There are still a significant number of people in tents and it's been fairly cold for here at night and will get colder as the weeks pass. There's a big need for blackets and jackets now. There are tons of jobs available here but many have still not returned yet and there is nowhere to stay if they did return short of a tent. So despite all the hope that some have, there are still the others who are having a very difficult time of it and you likely aren't hearing those stories from the national media.


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