Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The much needed rain finally has come. It's a blessing to this area that really hasn't had any except when Rita came through over 5 weeks ago. It's a curse perhaps to the houses that haven't been tarped yet for some reason. We just saw one of those yesterday in fact. Of course, it also slowed the teams down somewhat this morning but some likely need a break. I came back to the UMCOR office this morning to make sure things were going OK with the new PC we got set up Sunday and they seem to be doing well here now.

I forgot to add something from Sunday. Pastor Stokes sermon was based upon the parable of the talents (Mt. 25:14-30). Essentially his message boiled down to the fact that God gives us all various talents and expects us to faithfully "risk" those talents for the growth of the Kingdom. I forgot who this quote he used came from: No reserve - no retreat - no regrets. That's what we're doing here. Giving it all for God.

Things will be slow with my blog for a while. I'm heading home this morning and won't be back until the 12th. I will try to update some thoughts during that time.


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