Saturday, March 04, 2006

Busy would describe the last couple weeks. Not because of anything in particular, other than some contract work that took nearly all of last weekend, including a 20 hour day Sunday morning to Monday morning. I got caught back up with my Bible reading and study on Tuesday and this has been a great week for that. I've had lots of new insights in Scripture, which really hasn't happened much at all in the past. I'm not sure why this is happening now since I'm not really doing much different, but I think part of it is I'm at least trying to focus on God more. I think has been helping as I've been spending a lot of time interacting with the other men there and spending less time on the Christian music forums I frequent. In fact, I've given the latter up again for Lent.

I need to get our Emmaus website moved this weekend to a new host so I've been busy researching Christian web hosts the past few days and have it narrowed down to just a couple. I may even decide tonight though I need to get my Katrina material together to give to someone at church tomorrow. Our church is hosting the county UMM next Sat and the presenter from our church is talking about his time with the Red Cross in LA last fall and he wanted to mention about my work in MS. Sadly, I will be in CO for the NCAA Rifle Championships next week. I am seriously considering going down again with Sydney (and maybe Stephan) over spring break though. In fact, I finally called Fay Jones to see how things were going and found out they aren't running the Coastal Outpost anymore because Pete has had some health issues. So pray for him back in Bastrop, TX.

Merrie is hanging in there. She generally doesn't do too bad unless she has a hard day at work, which are more frequent than we care for. They finally are advertising her job though so maybe some relief will be in sight soon!


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