OK, so I'm a major slacker. Wow, 2 months since the last update. With my poor memory, I'll be lucky to recall half the major things that have gone on. So let's see, we've had Thanksgiving and lots to be thankful for this year. We actually had 2 Thanksgivings with mostly the same people. I guess we must like to eat and fellowship. Sam made out with a new toy from his cousin Mickey though and has enjoyed it since then. He even lets his brother ride!

He also likes to clean out the cabinets. Who needs toys when you've got a wide variety of kitchenware?

Merrie led an Advent study for our Sunday school class that was pretty interesting and provided some unique insights into the Christmas story I'd not seen before. We had met the writer of it a few years ago at Soulfeast.
I happened to be pretty busy doing my Christmas radio shows during Advent and a project for a client.
Then *poof* Christmas was upon us in no time and we found ourselves in NC with my folks for a few days of doing nothing. Aaaahhhhh. From there we drove back to Merrie's parents and had another Christmas that Saturday. It was quite the enjoyable time. Samuel was a bit more active in ripping off paper this year. He got a rocking chair.

OK, his was the smaller version of this, but he still has to climb into his, too. He just needs to learn to make sure he sits down rather than standing in it now.
We zipped off another family Christmas pic like last year (on Jan 6 right before we took the tree down).

That week was also spent helping Sydney build his 4th grade log cabin. Stephan had used lincoln logs for his, but we went for twigs, pretzels, "clay" around a cardboard shell. He used the same fireplace we made for Stephan though - I'm amazed we still had it.

Sam just turned 17 months a few days ago. I just noticed he's got 2 more teeth coming in so his top 4 will have a matching bottom. He's still not had a razor touch his head (Num 6:5).
Stephan just got his passport so he's set to go to Italy. However, he needs some serious prayer as he's on the verge of making some serious relational mistakes that he'll regret the rest of his life.
He also likes to clean out the cabinets. Who needs toys when you've got a wide variety of kitchenware?
Merrie led an Advent study for our Sunday school class that was pretty interesting and provided some unique insights into the Christmas story I'd not seen before. We had met the writer of it a few years ago at Soulfeast.
I happened to be pretty busy doing my Christmas radio shows during Advent and a project for a client.
Then *poof* Christmas was upon us in no time and we found ourselves in NC with my folks for a few days of doing nothing. Aaaahhhhh. From there we drove back to Merrie's parents and had another Christmas that Saturday. It was quite the enjoyable time. Samuel was a bit more active in ripping off paper this year. He got a rocking chair.
OK, his was the smaller version of this, but he still has to climb into his, too. He just needs to learn to make sure he sits down rather than standing in it now.
We zipped off another family Christmas pic like last year (on Jan 6 right before we took the tree down).
That week was also spent helping Sydney build his 4th grade log cabin. Stephan had used lincoln logs for his, but we went for twigs, pretzels, "clay" around a cardboard shell. He used the same fireplace we made for Stephan though - I'm amazed we still had it.
Sam just turned 17 months a few days ago. I just noticed he's got 2 more teeth coming in so his top 4 will have a matching bottom. He's still not had a razor touch his head (Num 6:5).
Stephan just got his passport so he's set to go to Italy. However, he needs some serious prayer as he's on the verge of making some serious relational mistakes that he'll regret the rest of his life.
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