We had a great Christmas and hope you did, too. We stopped in Franklin first and had Christmas with Merrie's side of the family. It was the first time in quite a while we had everyone together at once so I took the opportunity to get a family picture.

From there we went to see Michael's side of the family, which is much smaller since he's an only child. We didn't do a family pic but did get all the Ray men since the boys' great grandparents were there Christmas Day. This was the first time they had gotten to see Samuel.

Dec 30 has been pet day at our house.
Last year Sydney got a pair of gerbils and this year Stephan bought a cat. Her name is Shirley and she apparently was a stray though she's trained and rather friendly.
The 30th also proved big for Samuel as he rolled back to front and had apple juice for the first time. Still no teeth but we bet it will be soon.
Michael and Sydney went to a New Year's Eve metal concert where 15-20 youth got saved - praise God! Stephan had some friends over at his dad's for a party. Merrie and Sam were home alone for the most part.
May 2007 prove fruitful for you.
From there we went to see Michael's side of the family, which is much smaller since he's an only child. We didn't do a family pic but did get all the Ray men since the boys' great grandparents were there Christmas Day. This was the first time they had gotten to see Samuel.
Dec 30 has been pet day at our house.
Last year Sydney got a pair of gerbils and this year Stephan bought a cat. Her name is Shirley and she apparently was a stray though she's trained and rather friendly.
The 30th also proved big for Samuel as he rolled back to front and had apple juice for the first time. Still no teeth but we bet it will be soon.
Michael and Sydney went to a New Year's Eve metal concert where 15-20 youth got saved - praise God! Stephan had some friends over at his dad's for a party. Merrie and Sam were home alone for the most part.
May 2007 prove fruitful for you.
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